
Suganth Kannan serves as the President of the American STEM Institute. He has years of experience from leading STEM institutions, including Harvard Medical School and New England Biolabs. His STEM consulting company, MathforUS LLC, has consulted for clients across different industries, ranging from construction to data analytics. As a Joseph Wharton Scholar from the Wharton Business School, the #1 business school in the world, Suganth has always driven the development of human capital by connecting individuals passionate about STEM with the world’s top business leaders. Suganth is passionate about providing STEM opportunity and access for every person in the world. He was the founding Student Committee Chairman of the Global STEM Alliance of the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), one of the world’s oldest scientific societies. He awarded the Founder of CNN, Ted Turner, honorary life membership in the NYAS. The NYAS is a prestigious scientific


society boasting notable alumni such as United States President Thomas Jefferson and Nobel Prize Winner, Peter Agre, M.D. Suganth is an authority in the interdisciplinary field of earthquake prediction, publishing multiple papers in international peer-reviewed journals. He has predicted the 2014 Napa Valley earthquake within 50 miles. He served as a member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Earth Science and Climate Change, where he managed a conference with leading experts from institutions around the world.

The American STEM Institute presents every human in the world with the opportunity to confidently pursue a successful STEM career.