Individual Membership




Individual ASI membership confers great benefits. Network The members gain access to a network of peers who range from STEM enthusiasts to students to academics to professionals. Access to ASI’s network as a member increases one’s chance of admission to highly competitive global university programs and employment at leading companies around the world. Reputation Membership in the American STEM Institute increases one’s reputation in interactions with peers, colleagues, employers, and clients. The increased reputation as a result of membership will open doors of opportunity. These opportunities will be invaluable and integral to success in your career goals. The cost of an individual ASI Membership is $4,950. Register now at the offer price of $2,430 per membership. Register for a certification exam and receive a one-year membership.
This offer is valid until 13/03/2025 00:34
. Become an ASI Member Today

Annual dues

Annual dues for membership in the American STEM Institute are $4,900. A one-year complimentary membership is offered if you purchase a certification within that year. The American STEM Institute utilize annual dues for networking events and marketing and outreach to establish relationships with leading employers around the world. Networking events serve to connect the ASI membership in regions around the world. Marketing and outreach increases the reputation and value of the ASI membership, directly benefiting members in their professional lives. The cost of an individual ASI Membership is $4,950. Register now at the offer price of $2,430 per membership. Register for a certification exam and receive a one-year membership.
This offer is valid until 13/03/2025 00:34 .
Become an ASI member today.

Renew or Reinstate Membership


Renew or Reinstate Membership We are pleased that you are currently or have been a member of the American STEM Institute. We welcome current members to renew their membership and former members to reinstate their membership. For renewal, current members will pay either $2,430 for membership only or purchase another certification with membership included. For reinstatement, former members will pay a reinstatement fee of $990. This offer is valid until 13/03/2025 00:34
Renew your ASI Membership Today. Reinstate your ASI Membership Today.



The American STEM Institute is a prestigious international organization dedicated to providing opportunity for all in science, technology, engineering, and math. Therefore, membership in our organization carries certain requirements. By becoming a members, you 1. Will abide by our Code of Ethics in your professional activities 2. Will promote the American STEM Institute membership in your activities as permitted 3. Will ensure that peers are well informed of and have access to membership in the American STEM Institute and our certification process 4. Will bring forth excellence in your STEM-related endeavors. Our membership’s quality is driven by our requirements and we look forward to welcoming you as an ASI member. Act now to become a member and propel your career. The cost of an individual ASI Membership is $4,950. Register now at the offer price of $2,430 per membership. Register for a certification exam and receive a one-year membership. This offer is valid until 13/03/2025 00:34
Become an ASI member today.

The American STEM Institute presents every human in the world with the opportunity to confidently pursue a successful STEM career.